Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Break Post.

So we have had this course big game project for 10 weeks and we have created our game Overkill.
In Overkill we wanted the player to be the bad guy for once and make short work out of the hordes of cute and sugardipped enemies he is facing.

The Project
Our visions for the game itself was for it to be a multiplayer coop hack'n slash game. The players get to pick between four characters, each character has unique skills and a unique fighting styles. The main challenge i the game would be fighting these hordes and completing levels. We also had special events that could be triggered on the levels. Rewards in the game would come as loot in the forms of new hats and weapons.

The outcome was good but still far from what we set out to do. Our multiplayer stability and syncing was not up to such a standard that we felt comfortable showing it on GGC therefor we settled with a smooth working single player build instead. We had to cut one of the characters and iterate the level itself numerous times, the three remaining characters had unique fighting styles and unique weapons. We had to cut the amount of skills for the characters aswell but we still wanted to show the feature so we made one skill for each character. Basically we had everything we wanted to show for on the floor on GGC that we aimed to have but in smaller scale except the multiplayer which was very unfortunate.

My Role
My role in the project was Producer and Programmer. In programming i was doing: Shaders, Movement script, Level editing tools, Special events, Event and enemy spawn triggers, Importing majority of the assets, Creating majority of prefabs, Ragdoll creation, Building the level.
As the producer i took care of: Chasing unity pro licenses, Making presentations, Holding presentations,
Presentationtechnique course.

I think i have put in an immense effort into the project from a programmer or a producer perspective. I have put out at least forty hours a week and spent many nights working aswell. What i could have done better is to call a meeting and discussed with the group exactly what priveliegies and responsibilities each role in the project had. So if trouble would arise the correct person would adress it. In the ends our game was revieced well from the public and jury, most people liked the graphical style, the music and the general pace of the game. I know that our game could have been awhole lot better if everyone in our team would have put a hundred percent into the project and the responsibility issues would have been solved in the beginning.

Personal Improvement
I have learned alot about how to present a product trough powerpoints and formal presentations. I have learned Unity3D in alot of aspects from importing assets, setting up assets, scripting, tool designing and level designing in it.

Best Practice
Roles - Define who has what roles, what they are entitles to decide and more importantly what their responsibilities are. We never really decided who was responsible for specific things in the group and it created lots of problems in the group. With power comes responsibility and it is hard working with people who want to have the power but lacks the interest in having the responsibility.

General Attitude - If someone in the team gets upset or offended by something it can't just be frowned upon, it can not be met with a "grow up" attitude. If people in the team have a hard time getting along they dont have to be friends but need to find some middle ground.

Working hours - Be there in time, leave in time. If going early or late give a heads up. When you are at work dont sit with 5324 windows up looking at online tournements, facebook, youtube and forums while working. Take actual breaks and do that, and do take breaks.


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